Awaken Divine Magnificence and Live Heaven on Earth

Aura Color Meanings

Aura Color Meanings



You are a living Rainbow, just like many of the non-physical messengers surrounding you as spiritual guides! Each color in the aura also known as the electro magnetic frequencies emanating from your body, reveals to the fine tuned psychic eye, as well as the very developed physical eye, your thoughts, emotions and actions in the present, the past and can also give you a very clear idea of where you are headed in the future.

I am offering you the article below as a reference guide of aura colors, as to each individual aura color meaning that might appear in your aura, and how it specifically relates to you.

In an interpretation of the aura color meaning, an aura yellow green combination, as well as each and every aura color or aura colors combination present in your aura can have both a negative and positive meaning. Each aura color meaning and in what shape or form it appears, is important to know and acknowledge consciously, as it is giving you an opportunity to be aware of and continue with your healthy behavior patterns that are propelling you towards your dreams and helping you be aware of any unhealthy negative behavior pattern/s that needs to be addressed, healed and overturned.

As follows, is how the aura colors meaning have been revealed to me and how they translate for you in terms of my aura paintings, aura portraits, readings and or consultations.

Red if showing in your aura in a positive aspect, would be revealing you are full of the life energy force. You are grounded and very active, because you simply have the energy to be so. Where as, Red in your aura in its negative expression would reveal you are holding onto anger. The anger may be due to something in your past lives and/or current past life, or the actual moment. It also matters how much red appears in your aura and its placement in your aura portrait, in terms of your willingness to face and work through your anger in a healthy conscious manner, or if you are resisting it, thereby creating even more anger related experiences to manifest in your life.

Orange  in your aura, and as translated in aura portraits or aura paintings, is the color of inspiration; meaning in Spirit. If you have a lot of orange in your aura, then you have recently been inspired to do something, say something, express some part of the true divinity of you. If the Orange is muted with an overlay of other colors crossing it in the aura painting, then you have not been paying attention to your inner guidance, the speaker of your feelings coming from your heart’s desire.

Yellow: Ahh yellow…the color of pure joy; everyone’s aura painting should have this, as long as the yellow is in a light creamy hue of yellow. If it is a bright and radiant bold yellow it is similar to the happiness we feel when we are happily and peacefully experiencing a warm sunny day.

Yellow represents the mental body, as well; so when in the aura yellow green is combined together, especially if the yellow overlays the green, it usually means you are mentally interfering with your own healing process…as green represents healing present in the aura on a mental, emotional and or physical level. Just in case you were wondering what the meaning of an aura yellow green would mean to you in your life.

See the rest of the aura color meanings at

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